Fixing SVN zombie locks


SVN zombie locks occur when files that are "locked" are deleted. After the delete if you try to rename or remove the parent folder(s), SVN will give an error that file is locked. You can't break the lock on this file because it is deleted. If you try "update to revision" and then update lock, you'll still get "405 Method Not Allowed".


The trick is to go to repo-browser using TortoiseSVN. Usually right click -> TortoiseSVN -> Repo-browser.

On the top right hand corner you'll see Revision : HEAD. Click the head button and select the revision one older than when locked file(s) were deleted. Now if you navigate to the file in the "Repo Browser" you'll see the old locked file.

Right-Click on the file(s) and select "Break Lock". Close the repo-browser.

You are all set to remove/rename the parent folder(s).